Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First one!

So I decided that for the rest of my Junior year I will summarize what I learn from my Christian Morality class. Right now we are doing a unit on Liturgy and the Eucharist. The essay test question is:

Explain how Liturgy in general, and Eucharist specifically, are the source and summit of christian life. How does this explain why the church requires attendance at Sunday Eucharist to fulfill the third Commandment? What is our role in the Eucharist and Liturgy.

First off, "Liturgy consists of Christ's own worship of the Father in which we participate as members of His Body and sharers in his Holy Spirit."-Mr. Anderson.

Liturgy is the source of our christian life because it is done in memory of the Passion of Christ. It's a public service where we bear witness to the Catholic faith. Liturgy is the Summit of our Christian life because we literally join with the saints and angels in heaven by worshiping God the Father as shown to us in the Book of Revelation. In the Liturgy we also participate in Christ's Passion which is the summit of our faith.
Eucharist is the source of our christian life because it is a spiritual food that sustains us. It's the summit of our christian life because it's a pledge of future glory. We can call it an appetizer of heaven.

This explains why the church requires our attendance at Sunday mass because the liturgy is the foundation and confirmation of all christian practice and without it we aren't really Christians. We keep Sunday holy by publically offering ourselves to God. The best way to do that is the Liturgy.

Our role in the Eucharist and Liturgy is to participate in Christ's offering of Himself to His Father.

So that's Basically all the religion from this chapter.Tomorrow's post is favorite stumbles 1-100!!